Highlighting the Conditions of Detention Centers

By | July 15, 2014

Detention Centers Conditions.

The ICC Detention Centers (International Criminal Court) conforms to the highest conditions of detention centers’ standards of care and provision for detainees, where international human rights are respected and provided for, with regular independent checks and inspections to maintain the standards. Examinations and inspections look at how provisions are utilized for the benefit of the internee; everything from washing facilities to access to TV, books and computers. This is all very well, however it is not without dangers, as broken components can have fatal consequences to either the occupant, staff, both or other people. Avoidance is better than cure – do something about preventing a situation, rather than clean up and face a law suit for neglect!

The average daily routine gives the resident the chance to exercise, seek medical care and partake in activities as well as having opportunities to watch television or access a computer; either for educational purposes or relaxation. But what if there is an incident, where an inmate smashes a screen and uses the shard of glass to cause self inflicted injuries or harm to a member of staff?

Protecting the screen with a non-loop or anti-ligature, specially designed (with intellectual property) enclosure or housing unit is a safe way to watch the television whilst being protected. Why keep replacing screens, besides the inconvenience of broken TV sets and potential threats of violence? By just installing a simple, yet highly effective and aesthetically pleasing ‘metal box’ to the wall, all possible incidents are out of the way. The slopping design (IP protected) is unique and prohibits material, of any kind, being looped around the frame to create a noose. Imagine what could happen with a TV set which is wall mounted and where a detainee hangs a bed sheet from it… It is unthinkable and can be easily avoided.

Anti ligature protection in detention centers.

It is not just in a common, comfort or social room where protective enclosures are necessary, but also where a resident has a TV screen in their own space (room/cell), these too should be protected. A typical cell consists of a bed, desk, shelves, storage, toilet and hand basin, a TV and intercom for assistance. Each room maybe about 10m square and accommodate one person and whereas the furniture is designed and installed because of its safety features, often the television screen is neglected and is actually one of the most common forms of hand-made weapon.

detention centers

We, medical staff and suppliers have a duty of care, whilst respecting the human rights of detainees. In this day and age, it is hard to imagine life without the outside influences of the media, in what ever form, so in order to allow access to television, there needs to be a preventative and precautionary measure in place. A stress-less environment is better for all; detainees and staff alike.

DOOH USA have been specified on numerous projects by architects to provide a suitable solution within mental health institutes and detention centers, including youth facilities.