Way finding – with digital posters.
Way finding is a popular way to use digital posters rather than just for digital signage, this way they can be used as an interactive Way finding solution but let us look at what is needed first.
Way finding in hospital’s.
In medical center in Wilmington North Carolina has recently deployed a Way finding solution, the way finding system throughout the hospital comprises of a total of 10 large screens in the region of 42 inch with two smaller screens of 22 inch.
The solution provides any visitor to the hospital with step-by-step directions they can be viewed on the digital posters, alternatively they can be printed as maps. They are connected to a Bluetooth player that can send the directions via text or email to smartphones, so that people have the directors with them at all times. There is a virtual assistance on the screen named VAL (that is an acronym for Veterans Affairs Locator), who welcomes guests to the hospital and encourages them to ask for directions in two languages, English and Spanish.
This Way finding in hospitals allows visitors to pre-plan any visit and to know exactly where to park to the nearest entrance for the specific location the visitor is going to. The next part of the deployment in this hospital is to include QR codes, these once scanned by a smartphone will pinpoint of the visitors location within the hospital and then they can be directed to wherever they need to go.
A spokesman for the Wilmington Hospital told a reporter that being lost in a hospital is a very stressful experience and using Way finding reduces the stress greatly.
Way finding in shopping malls.
If you have been visited a shopping mall recently you will have notice that the printed maps are being replaced by interactive Way finding solution. These are ideal for any one shopping in a hurry, such as a man shopping for a gift for his wife or partner, as he can pinpoint exactly where he is within the shopping mall and providing he knows the store he’s going to the Way finding System provides the quickest and most direct route. However for ladies who are shopping for leisure, say on a Saturday afternoon can select the ladies fashions section on the Way finding System will direct them to the location so that they can have an afternoon of shopping bliss!
Interactive digital posters for Way finding.
An interactive digital poster is ideal for Way finding as it has a touchscreen panel in front of the display on when a visitor touches the screen, the visitor is asked what they would like to shop and when the visitor enters these details from a drop down menu, a map with directions is provided. These interactive digital posters were initially used for digital signage and they were so successful with engaging with customers and consumers that that have been rolled out into Way finding Solutions.