Understanding digital signage in transit locations Part 1

By | January 21, 2013

Digital signage in transit locations.

One of any questions we are asked is how to install digital signage in transit locations? As these locations are open areas that are operational 24 hours per day.

Understanding how to protect digital signage hardware is essential.

digital signage in transit locations

When digital signage hardware is put indoors, we can say with confidence that is reasonably safe and secure, the temperature are controlled and it never rains indoors! The ambient lighting conditions rarely changes and vandalism isn’t really experienced. So we can say that an indoor digital signage solution is in a totally controlled environment.

In transit locations, the rules change with a everything mentioned above been ignored. Almost all transit locations are located outside such as bus shelters, or semi sheltered such as, ferry terminals, train stations, entrances to subways.

Even underground transit locations for example tube stations, were not as clean and controlled as an indoor environment such is a mail or QSR. Carbon deposits from the brakes on the subway train are in the air and any digital signage hardware in these environments needs protecting them from these air borne hazards. Now you have to consider the following factors and learn how these elements can harm the digital displays before deployment.

Element                                       Indoors                                        Outdoors
Direct Sun                                         No                                                 Yes
Temperature                           65 to 75 degrees F                         -30 to 120 F
Humidity                                     Up to 30%                                   Up to 100%
Snow, rain, dust                            No                                                  Yes
Carbon/brake dust                      No                                                  Yes
Ambient light                           Constant                                          Varies

As you can see from the above table, just some of the hazardous conditions that digital displays located outdoors have to endure. Outdoor digital signage has to be able to deal with high humidity, direct sunlight, dirt and dust, brake dust and carbon particles in the air. Vandalism is a major factor to also look for and protect against. When any outdoor or semi-outdoor locations are being considered for digital signage deployment, all of the elements above need to be remembered.

Digital signage in Transit locations- The Sun.

The sun is a main element of the puzzle that can kill a digital signage installation immediately, as the sun’s energy is incredible. To overcome any problems with the sun we suggest you for the following guidelines.

  • Sunny locations demand high brightness screens
  • The displays brightness should be between 1300 nits and 2500 nits
  • The sun’s brightness should be measured through any covering glass or film
  • Some displays lose between 8 and 12 per cent of brightness per year
  • Other displays lose between 8 and 15% of brightness in extreme hot and cold temperatures
  • Solar clearing – Blackening of the Screen!

This occurs when a screen is positioned in direct sunlight and the screen is also back light, that is set at full brightness. The crystals in the LCD section receive a great amount of heat and this is what causes the black patches on screens. And will result in a lesser lifespan for the screen, if this is to prevented the following steps must be taken.

An LCD displays is categorized to be used in different temperatures such as: 68, 80 and 110 degrees – using the highest possible temperature categorised display.

  • Only use led back-lit displays, these are far more reliable,use less power and have a longer lifespan.
  • Light sensor which automatically adjusts the brightness of the back light based on ambient light environments.
  • Avoid digital signage display that are bonded to the front glass panel, if the glass is broken the screen or display has been replaced and also due to lack of an air gap between the glass and the display blackening of the screen occurs.
  • Heating and cooling systems are to be efficient, thermostatically controlled, be contacted at use as little power as possible.
  • Try to avoid east west positions, with north south positions been best.

The above is part 1 of a 2 part article for installing digital signage in transit locations, call back in a number of days to see the next part.

DOOH USA is a leading manufacturer of protective digital signage housings, that have been used to protect digital signage in transit locations, at Bangalore Train Station and San Francisco Transit Centre.