In most kiosk deployments, the most important connection is the one between the user and the kiosk, with the touch of a finger users can access an unending wealth of options depending upon the kiosks functionality.
So understanding how the touch screen technology works is fundamental to the success of an interactive touch screen kiosk.
The 4 technologies used in touch screen.
These consist of:
• Resistive
• Capacitive
• Surface acoustic
• Infrared
It sounds simple, you touch the screen and something happens, but you have to understand each technology scientifically to get the most of each technology and get the right solution for your project.
Capacitive technology.
A low electrical current is applied to the screen via the tin oxide film, this picks up any human skin touching the screen, as the current is drained at the point of touch, leading to the next process.
Resistive touch screen technology.
This technology works on a sandwich formula, with some form of plastic covering glass on both sides Tin oxide covers the glass with an electrical current. When users press on the plastic coating which is separated from the glass ever so slightly (you would need a microscope to see the gap!)
The compression of the plastic on to the glass causes the electricity to ground, leading to the next process.
Surface Acoustic touch screens.
These are created by using a wave formation, transducers emit a wave across the screen in both horizontal and vertical planes and sensors on the opposite side of the screen detect anyone touching the display.
Infrared technology.
In the screens bezel there are transmitters that emit horizontal and vertical beams that cover the screen, a touch breaks these beams leading to the next process.
The drawbacks.
There are drawbacks though of using some of the above technologies, for example someone wearing a glove would not be able to use a capacitive screen, as it works on human skin contact and the surface is prone to vandalism, surface acoustic has similar problems.
The solution.
Resistive technology is the most stable and reliable solution at the present time.
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