Indoor digital advertising display – animated video
Indoor digital advertising hardware – digital advertising displays!
Indoor digital advertising hardware – digital advertising displays!
When the US NFL Candlestick Stadium, in San Francisco held a game in the 1960’s, promotional signage would have been traditional advertising hoardings with paper posters, but now many NFL stadiums deploy digital signage to endorse their fixtures, players, entertainment and other promotional information.
Australia is set to ban digital signage, certainly according to Brisbane City Council; which includes digital billboards and other display forms of flashing and moving images, as it has had an unfortunate impact on the accident rate of drivers, passengers and pedestrians – some with fatalities.
Many of us are familiar with social media; particularly the well-known sites associated with celebrities, branded merchandise and other publicity icons, so incorporating social media with digital signage is a major platform for accessing segmented and specific sales target areas.
Although still in its relative infancy, digital signage is set to boom by 2016, so in just three years, digital signage will be turned on its head and produce an even more interesting and innovative package than it already is!
Today, marketing strategies used by many companies can be impressive due to the cost effective digital signage solutions that stops people in their tracks. This is a common marketing strategy but, the technology used for this is advanced and provides some amazing results.
Dynamic Signage is a widely used medium of communication and advertisement these days and can be mostly seen in the airports, shopping malls, fast foods restaurants, any retail sale points.
Dynamic advertising is the most cost effective way to get a company’s sales message across maximum channels and markets.
Digital Signage Hardware is basically the equipment that is used in carrying out any form of communication through the use of these cables and displays. The scope of digital signage is now being realized in various markets across the world.
Gone is the age when advertising agencies could make a consumer buy a product, now using digital signage hardware consumers are being lightly influenced in what to buy.