LCD Enclosures Uses In Unusual locations.

By | September 30, 2011

LCD Enclosures Not Just For Advertising.

LCD enclosures are manufactured from steel provide the maximum protection for the electronics inside, now LCD enclosures are being deployed in many unusual places, discover more.

An LCD enclosure is one of the the most cost effective solutions for protecting outdoor digital signage hardware as well as safeguarding a TV in someone’s garden, due to the robust nature of the unit.

When organizations use LCD enclosures for a digital advertising solution, the installers are aware that they can use digital signage hardware that is designed for indoor use, outdoors. As the LCD enclosures provide the security against theft and vandalism (as recently seen in the UK riots), as well as providing their own heating and cooling system so that no matter how hot or cold it is outside of the LCD enclosures, the hardware inside is at the best operating temperature.

LCD enclosures in coal mines.

However, moving away from digital advertising, LCD enclosures are used in coal mines do that the mine can promote and inform visitors about the mine, the staff, the products and by products. These are deployed with also an alert system should an incident occur during a public visit sot hey the right evacuation route, or worse still if a child in a school party gets lost in the low lights of the mine.

The possible challenges with a coal mine is the dust that is present in the air and the damp environment, usually without any protection an information screen would be ruined in a matter of weeks, now using LCD enclosures the hardware can be deployed and the units fitted with special filter units, filter out harmful particles in the air and protect the hardware form shorting out should carbon particles or dust gather on the internal components of the electronic signage hardware.

LCD Enclosures on the sides of vehicles.

lcd enclosures

Well this is a controversial solution, as some States in the USA allow them and some don’t, some entrepreneurial couriers have realized that they where missing an opportunity to add an extra income stream to their business.

Whilst they are out on their delivery route, the vehicles can display ads on large screens up to 65” on the side of their vehicles, now the business owners are looking on how to achieve this, so let us consider the hardware.

Hardware and LCD enclosures for vehicles.

The digital signage hardware that goes into LCD enclosures will comprise of:

A digital media player, this stores the ads and information on the internal hard drive or memory card.
An LCD screen that the media player can be connected too to display the ads.
The LCD enclosures to protect the hardware.

These LCD enclosures the more affordable digital signage hardware to be used rather than specific outdoor digital signage hardware, the LCD enclosures provide the outdoor protection.

LCD enclosures Global Ltd manufacture a range of protective outdoor digital signage enclosures as well as their LCD enclosures.