Digital poster – indoor digital signage solution.
Way-finding digital posters are an inaugural part of the retail outlets many of us frequent regularly. Everything seems to be becoming digital, even the mall’s paper route is now displayed on a large LCD display screen. This may be wall mounted or floor standing, but it certainly is a new element within the building.
Not only is it an innovative way of displaying facts, but can also present information you never knew you needed! Retailers are able to run scrolling advertisements, special offers and sales, enticing you to visit their outlet. A digital menu board will provide consumers with a colourful array of images, texts and sound, though sound depends on the ambient background noise for it to work effectively.
Digital menu boards can be pre-programmed with data, scheduled to start and finish at set times, looped or sequenced with other adverts to run consecutively. Huge advances have been made in the evolution of technology allowing computer graphics and texts to be so clear and of a high resolution that the experience feels as though you’re part of the advertisement campaign. These digital menu boards or a digital poster, as they are also known, vary in size from a modest 32” screen, through to a life size monitor.
Digital poster
Walking around the mall is a pleasant experience, so the digital menu boards should be sympathetic to their environment, not be obtrusive or distractive in any way. The advertisement ought to be the only thing that catches your eye, not an ugly metal box. Whilst most civilised people frequent such retail shops, there are the minority – without being stereotypical, but shopping malls do attract vandals who wilfully destroy property and so to protect the substantial investment of the hardware and software is little price to pay – prevention being better than cure. The use of an LCD enclosure, manufactured by a specialist company, will offer suitable protection from a broken LCD screen or a ruined control panel – rendering the digital menu board useless.
So next time you’re shopping at the mall, take a closer look at the technology surrounding you and designed to enhance your visit whilst encouraging you to spend.