House of worship digital signage – is this contravertial?

By | September 19, 2014

House of worship digital signage.

Let us look at the question, is house of worship digital signage accepted? There are two sides to every story, let us discuss them.

When any change to a Church, Synagogue or Mosque the views of the parishioners have to be considered. But who likes change? The elders of the place of worship may or may not welcome the hardware, yet some will as the embrace technology.

Some arguments for not utilizing house of worship digital signage are; the Church, Mosque or Synagogue is not a business – and has no need to advertise as one, will look un-natural in the house of God.

house of worship digital signage

Is a place of worship a business?

When you look at a place of worship, it has bills to meet, so to meet those bills the congregation donate funds for the upkeep of the building and the pastors or rabbis expenses. So the income has to be greater than the outgoings, if not the house of worship unfortunately, has to close. So in some respects it is like a business, if it does not make a profit the doors to the place of worship may be closed for ever.

House of worship digital signage will look un-natural?

With some parishioners with these viewpoint, they have to ask themselves, would they rather the house of God, be closed down due to not being able to attract enough new younger members? Yet there are solutions on the market that are aesthetically pleasing and actually people want to interact with. If anyone has this issue, they just have to ask their fellow church goers who own a smartphone, with probably around 80% of them owning a smartphone, they are ahead using technology and some people see the technology as a threat in a place of worship. Another solution would be to position the electronic signage in a place that is easily accessible, yet not in the main place of worship, as this may be distracting.

Some points for.

Some arguments for utilizing house of worship digital signage are; they can be used to announce name days, birthdays, upcoming weddings and to celebrate the life of dear one who has recently passed. House of worship digital signage can be used to also indicate how the current fundraising is going compared to the total amount needed. It can also inform the community when the next prayer meeting is, evensong, bible studies or even confession.

Let us look at some of the benefits of house of worship digital signage, imagine a loved one has passed and they life can be shown in images to celebrate their life and remind people of their passing, showing them as an active member of the place of worship. Young couples getting married can have their upcoming wedding event shown on the electronic sign, with pictures of the couple. With the decreasing number of young couples marrying, this will be a bonus to show that marriage is not dead.

There are several points both for and against, yet if you could promote the word of God, increase congregation numbers and inform the community of the good work that the Mosque, Synagogue or Church do, surely house of worship digital signage is worth considering?