Digital Signage Kiosks for Dynamic Advertising

By | July 4, 2013

Digital Signage Kiosks for Amazing Dynamic Advertising!

Back in the day companies had to rely on billboards, posters, and other static forms of advertising but now they can switch to digital signage kiosks which have forever changed advertising—in a good way. These are not just static boards that display advertising material – they are interactive, editable, and highly valuable for both consumers and the advertisers.

outdoor digital signage kiosks

Digital Signage Kiosks – Studying the Status Quo.

A kiosk is basically a board or station that displays valuable information. It can be a station that displays a map and basic information about the surrounding area or it could be used for advertising and promotions. Sometimes kiosks can be used for both.

Digital signage kiosks take this concept to a whole new level.

Instead of a static sheet you now get an interactive board that displays a lot of information. For example: you might find kiosk information systems that display an advertisement about a new product, such as a new style of clothing. You could tap the surface of the kiosk or use your smart phone to interact with the embedded tags and be directed to another set of information, giving the details about the product such as its material, price, and others. This level of dynamic advertising has never been seen before since static kiosks only display one set of information at a time.

digital signage kiosks

Digital Signage Kiosks – There’s Room for More.

This becomes very apparent in large areas where traffic is abundant, such as a sports stadium or airport. In these areas the digital signage kiosks might change display every few minutes. At one moment the screen might display an advertisement regarding restaurants and then five minutes later it could change and display current information regarding incoming and departing flights.

This is a good idea when it comes to local advertising in a place with a lot of establishments. Airports, stadiums, malls, and others can greatly benefit from this since there is no more need to crowd the area with numerous static advertising kiosk displays and billboards.

Digital Signage Kiosks – Cutting Costs

Now of course the biggest benefit is that you can quickly cut down on advertising costs using these kiosks. You no longer have to worry about printing hundreds of posters and advertisement flyers to put up on walls and advertisement spaces. Instead you can have your IT and marketing department create new digital promotional material on software like Photoshop and then digitally upload these on the kiosk displays.

Most location based kiosks run on a specific network. For example: all of the digital signage kiosks inside a shopping mall are connected to one central hub. This means that the people at the kiosk control center can monitor every kiosk and change what is being displayed at a simple click on a computer. Instead of wasting time to change out physical advertisement posters you now just have to upload the new content on the server and it can be instantly displayed on all the kiosks connected to the network. This makes digital signage kiosks cheaper, quicker, and far more convenient as an advertising tool.

DOOH USA offer many digital signage solutions from protective digital signage enclosures to indoor and outdoor digital signage kiosks.