Mobile digital signage ranges from people wearing video vest to LED walls that are on the side of trucks or trailers, discover there uses and where they best fit.
Mobile Vests – These consist of a 17” digital poster that is battery powered and is wearable using a heavy gauge vest, this is used for basis content delivery at exhibitions and shopping malls.
This is probably the most cost effective but there are limitations for uploading new, fresh content, you have to get everyone together or you have to hunt each wearer out individually, taking extra time.
LED video walls are created using panels of LED’s, these panels are approximately (39 3/8” (1 metre} wide by 39 3/8” (1 metre} high and these are then mounted into a frame, this frame can be attached to uprights either on the side of a truck or trailer to mount the video wall and make it mobile, the best option is to mount it at the rear of the truck and high up, so if anyone runs in the back of the truck it will not be damaged.
These are ideal for Churches to display their services and events at Church; by taking the trailer to the local neighbourhood they are targeting the right people – the congregation.
A bank used a similar tactic and crawled through peak hour traffic, by driving slowly more people saw the campaign and reacted, the results were that the bank had a 12% increase in their campaign for this specific bank account than they had had on other campaigns just by using the mobile digital signage solution.
The unique thing with a video wall is that because it is modular, it can be as big as you like ensuring it will fit in with your budget. The 1 metre panels make this a very affordable solution to outdoor sunlight read able screens.
LCD Enclosure Global manufacturer a range of outdoor LCD TV enclosure that are used throughout the outdoor digital signage market for weather proof protection.
LCD Enclosure Global – anything else is a compromise.