Digital signage is fantastic when it works well, when the content is compelling and captures the audience’s attention you will turn the stores visitors into buyers, guaranteed.
With the current global slowdown, every store is vying for the attention of each consumer, sending them marketing messages, so here is your opportunity to make a lasting impression and build a solid shopping experience that will increase your consumer’s loyalty.
Using a networked based signage solution can allow in-store merchandising to be done in a controlled manner. For example promotions can be day parted (set to target shoppers at certain times of the day), such as breakfast, lunch and dinner as most stores have a restaurant and whilst they are there they can be targeted with the stores products that are on offer. The promotions can be updated within seconds throughout the network from one central location.
A good example would be if you discovered that you had an overstock of umbrellas, as soon as it starts raining, you could put a “special deal” on for umbrellas selling the overstock. This is something I saw on a recent visit to New York!
Once you have an established network promoting your merchandise, you can then make the digital signage work for you and your store, by selling advertising space on your network, this would cost little to set up but would make a healthy boost to your bottom line.
Digital signage is not limited to indoors, as many restaurants and bars are now deploying outdoor digital signage to draw visitors into their locations, then the indoor signage is used to market special offers such as cocktails and the menu specials.
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